New Album


Release: June 2007

one for jude will give a concert

on September the 10th, starting from 9pm, at the "Chapelle de la Providence"

4, place de la Providence, in Nice, France

one for jude will give an interview on Radio pluriel (91.5 FM, Lyon and area)

on January the 18th during "L'heure sombre",

a program dedicated to alternative electronic musics.

You can listen to the interview through the internet:

Radio Pluriel


interview available on:


maxi "Hélice" with 3 new songs: Hélice-The punishment of the White Rose - L'Ebloui +  "live" version of Hélice


The live in Prague is released, in a limited edition.

 You can order your copy by email.


   one for jude will sign an artist licence with the brand new label "La Farandole Egarée".


The European tour is over, thanks to all our supporters.


A "One For Jude" T-Shirt made for the Figures tour is still available, you can order it for 10 euros (black, sizes M,L,XL).



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